Jason had to go to New York for a work conference, so of course I tagged along and we made a vacation out of it! While Jason was at his conference during the day, I slept in and did my homework in the hotel room. He came back everyday around 3:00 and we were able to go play! Our view from the hotel room. We ate N.Y. pizza and walked around outside on our first night in town. We couldn't believe all the huge advertisements and billboards everywhere. On our first day, we went to central park and visited the New York Temple. When we were walking to the temple we almost walked right past it because it blends right in with the other buildings. On our second day, we visited ground zero. This was our first day to take the subway, it was pretty exciting! Once we got to a certain point, we walked the rest of the way. On our walk there, I stubbed my toe really bad on a sewer drain and it was bleeding everywhere. We were trying to find a band aid or something to fix it up. When we got...