Mother's Day is always a time in my life when I reflect about my mom and the important women in my life. No matter how long my mom has been gone from this Earth, I never miss her less. If anything I miss her more as I get older and experience new things, always wishing I could get her advice or ask her questions about her life. I'm so grateful for the gospel in my life and knowing that I will get to see her again and that families are forever. That's why I can think about her with a smile on my face, so grateful for all she did for me on this Earth and grateful to know we will get to see each other again. "The Best Day" by Taylor Swift makes me think of my mom. I was talking to Lynsi about this song and she brought up that this song makes her think of mom too. Especially the line "I love you for giving me your eyes," because everyone knows Lynsi has my mom's eyes. Also the part in the song when she talks about a home video of when she was 3 and her ...