Two weekends ago Shauna came into town with her boys. Jason and I love it when our nephews come so we can spend time with them. We walked Everett down the road to feed the ducks. He is such a cutie!
Montel is such a cutie too! He is such a happy baby and a joy to be around! He didn't make it to the duck pond this trip, but maybe next time. :)
Hey Everybody! We're Pregnant!!! We're in our 2nd Trimester now. Brittani is due sometime during the middle of November. Don't feel bad if you didn't know before hand. NOBODY (not even parents) has known until now! I figured this is the easiest way to tell everybody. Wish us luck!
It's official! Jason and I are moving to TEXAS! Most of you already know, but this is my official announcement to all of our friends and family that we are moving! I'm really excited about this move and the opportunity to be closer to my dad and siblings. I know we're leaving Josh and Sharon, but they wont be too far behind us in moving down there. I'm really excited to be more apart of Nathan and Natalie's lives. I'm SOOO excited to go to Nate's football games and Natalie's drill team performances and choir concerts. I've been gone for 7 years and it's time for me to be back and be more involved! Plus Lynsi and I will be able to share clothes again! :) I realize we are moving down at the hottest time of the year, but I will be thrilled when it's snowing in Utah around Halloween and we're still wearing t-shirts! However, I will miss Utah . Utah is a beautiful place to live and I will miss all of my family and friends here. ...
I've been slowly getting more and more into this blog thing. For months I have been wanting to update our blog to be "cute." I knew what I needed to do, I just never made the time to do it. Today, I finally took some time out to upgrade the 'ol blog. Thanks to Lynsi I was able to add our picture at the top and add a playlist. Thanks Lyns! So for all of you with amazingly cute blogs, I hope you enjoy the makeover ours got today. On a different note... I have recently been playing around with my bangs. I've had side bangs for a couple of years now and I have been brave enough to trim them as they have grown out in between hair cuts. Well, a few weeks ago I was brave enough to trim them so that I could have "front bangs." This was a very brave step for me because I'm usually not one to try something so drastically different. This new look was inspired by Reese Witherspoon from the movie Four Christmases. After Jason and I saw it I just had to try out t...