We're Pregnant!!!

Hey Everybody! We're Pregnant!!! We're in our 2nd Trimester now. Brittani is due sometime during the middle of November.
Don't feel bad if you didn't know before hand. NOBODY (not even parents) has known until now! I figured this is the easiest way to tell everybody. Wish us luck!


Ginger said…
Congrats! I am sOOO happy for you guys! You'll be great parents! Miss you guys~!
Erin said…
How wonderful! I hope you're feeling well! I can't wait for more updates and to see your little one soon!
Makenna Pratt said…
Woo hoo! I'm so excited for you! Wish you weren't so far away.
About Us said…
AWESOME!! This is the post I have been waiting for from you guys & Walt & Lynsi. Every time I see an update I think...okay they are going to say they are having a baby:) lol CONGRATS!! You will be the best lil parents, I just wish you were here in UTAH!! Hope you are feeling well Boots, you'll be in our thoughts & prayers. Love you both!

P.S. Tell Walt & Lynsi they better hurry! :)
Romney Family said…
Congrats to you guys!! How fun and I hope you are feeling alright!!!
Leslie said…
Congratulations you guys! I agree with everybody else: you will be AWESOME parents!
The Kent Family said…
Congratulations! We're so excited for you! Keep us posted on how the pregnancy is going.
Lauralee Altice said…
Yay! Congrats!!! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you guys! How have you been feeling?
Wow! Congrats you guys! We're way excited for you!
Congratulations, pregnancy is WONDERFUL!!! It is so AMAZING to know that life can exisit on the inside of a woman. Children are such a blessing. You guys will LOVE being parents. Hope all continues to go well.

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