It's A Boy!

Our little guy is getting Big! From the sonogram information, he's in the 92 percentile for his size. We're getting pretty excited. We put together a crib about a week ago to make sure we had all of the right parts as it was a hand-me-down from Britt's Dad. It's works just fine. We've taken it down until it gets closer to needing it - about 3 months now! Britt is due on November 12th.


About Us said…
Congrats!! We can't wait to see you guys, I can't believe my Boots is having a baby, we are so excited!!

I'm so glad you will be here for the fair:) LOL

Boots are we still on for our photo shoot?
Romney Family said…
Congrats to you guys. We are having another boy also and we are due the 27th of Nov. It seems everyone I know that is pregnant right now is having boys!!!
Ginger said…
Awe! Congrats! He is going to be so cute!
Oh congratulations that's so exciting!
I'm so excited for you guys!! That's so great!
Jazzy said…
Congratulations! How fun! And Jason--thanks for the information and for taking the time to explain everything. It was super helpful.
You have me sold!

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