Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is always a time in my life when I reflect about my mom and the important women in my life. No matter how long my mom has been gone from this Earth, I never miss her less. If anything I miss her more as I get older and experience new things, always wishing I could get her advice or ask her questions about her life. I'm so grateful for the gospel in my life and knowing that I will get to see her again and that families are forever. That's why I can think about her with a smile on my face, so grateful for all she did for me on this Earth and grateful to know we will get to see each other again.

"The Best Day" by Taylor Swift makes me think of my mom. I was talking to Lynsi about this song and she brought up that this song makes her think of mom too. Especially the line "I love you for giving me your eyes," because everyone knows Lynsi has my mom's eyes. Also the part in the song when she talks about a home video of when she was 3 and her mom was the prettiest lady in the whole wide world. That line makes me almost cry every time I hear it. I think it's because all of my memories of my mom are from when I was a little girl and we have a ton of home videos from when we were all young kids back in the day. I just picture her in our home videos and think that she IS the prettiest lady in the whole wide world. I love the lyrics of this song and I think it's sweet that it's about spending the best day ever with your mom. This song is tender to me and I wanted to share that with you.

I'm grateful for all the special women in my life that have helped fullfill my mom's abscence. I will never forget all the amazing women who helped our family during the hard times. I think of you all often (you know who you are) and I'm so grateful for the love and service you gave to our family. My Aunt MerLynn is also very special to me. She is "my mom on Earth." Everytime I get to see her she gives me a piece of my mom. The way she sings, talks and laughs reminds me of how my mom used to sound. She is such an amazing woman and I know her and my mom were a lot alike, so she helps me to remember her. I love you Aunt MerLynn.

I hope all of you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Erin said…
What a sweet tribute to your mother. I'm sure she would be so proud of you!
Boots your mom was such a great woman! I am so glad that you consider my mom your mom on this earth. She really does think of you guys as her own. I often think of what it would be like with both your mom and grandma still here, but then I think of where they are and know that they are needed there. Thanks for such a sweet post! Sure do love ya!
That was really good to read, thanks for sharing Brittani your such a good person!
Suz said…
Brittany, thanks so much for sharing your feelings. I am smiling and crying at the same time. Your Mom is all that and more.

I have been your fan for a long time and want to let you know that it brings me alot of joy to see the BEAUTIFUL WOMAN you have become.

I love your shout out for your wonderful Aunt MerLynn, she is a good sister and other mother.

I'm going to listen to that song, from your and Lynsi's perspective, I better get the tissues.

Your always in my heart and thoughts!
What a good post Boots. Your mom is so proud of you and I know she smiles down on you always.
Oh Bootsie. I love you oh so much. This was such a sweet post. I miss mom more and more too. I am so grateful to have you and Natalie by my side, because you guys remind me of the kind of person mom was-words can't even describe it. Walt told me the other day that he missed my mom even though he had never met her. Then, he asked what she was like. I told him to combine you, me & Natalie, and that should give him a pretty good feel of the person she was. I'm so grateful that we'll all be together again once our time on this earth is through. I love you!
About Us said…
Boots, what a sweet little tribute to your mom. I have tears rolling down my face, you are amazing and I know your mom is so proud of all of you. I miss her & grandma both more & more each day. I love the fact that you girls look so much like your mom, she was a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing, I am so going to go by that song on i-tunes and be thinkin about all my Texas cousins:) LOVE YOU 2 THE MOON & BACK!!

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