2 Amazing Books You Can't Afford To Miss

Leadership and Self-Deception
The Anatomy of Peace

   During this last Spring Semester, one of my professors required us to read Leadership and Self-Deception.  This is probably the best book that any instructor has ever had me read.  Without going into too much detail, the book is technically a business book written in story form, but it goes way deeper than business. The story follows Tom Callum, a person who has just been hired by Zagrum Company.  Tom thinks that he is the best manager to step foot in the company as he walks to his meeting with one of the V.P.  The story takes place over a 2 day meeting between Tom and the V.P.  Tom learns that throughout his life, he has rarely seen people as what they are: people.  The overall theme of the book is that we as society usually treat each other as objects.  Only when we treat each other as people are we able to get things accomplished and achieve goals, whether those goals are personal, family, or business.  Tom discovers that Zagrum has been teaching all of its employees these principles for about 30 years or so.  Lou Herbert, the founder of Zagrum, introduced these principles after a visit to Camp Moriah.
   The second book, The Anatomy of Peace, follows the story of Lou's visit to Camp Moriah.  So it's a prequel to Leadership and Self-Deception, but it was written after.  This book takes these principles a step further and shows us how we can find true peace in our personal lives as well as our family and business lives.  
   I can't stess enough how awesome these books are.  Not only will you discover how to find peace in everyday situations, you will discover new ways of keeping peace in your family and work life.  These books were written by the Arbinger Institute.  The Arbinger institute was founded by C. Terry Warner, a professor of philosophy at Brigham Young University.


These books sound good. I'll definitely have to put them on my 'must read' list. Hope all is well. I miss you guys! -Lynsi
Suz said…
I have read them both, they are wonderful.
Unknown said…
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