Valentine's Day

We had a fun Valentine's Day! We decided to celebrate on Friday instead of Saturday to beat the crowds at the restaurants.  We went out to dinner with Josh and Sharon at a really nice place in Midway.  It was a lot of fun!  On Saturday Jason and I slept in, cooked a yummy brunch and went to a movie that afternoon.  It was a great and relaxing Valentine's weekend.

When I got home from work on Friday these flowers were waiting for me.  It was a fun surprise to come home to flowers and then go on a date with my honey!


Romney Family said…
Hey you guys!! I stumbled across your blog. It was fun to see pics of you guys. We sure miss all of you back there in Orem but we are enjoying being in Spanish. Feel free to look at our blog. We should get together sometime!!
Potters said…
Carson needs your address for wedding announcments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about that!

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